Attack Ads

The attack ads are out and I find a great difference between the incumbents and the challengers.  Incumbents tend to focus on accomplishments while challengers’ spotlight how those accomplishments were wrong for our nation.

I have noticed that the challengers do not have a program that would have been better than the one accepted by the majority.  Case in point, the “infrastructure bill.”  Although bipartisan in nature, there were still a number of senators and representatives who voted against the legislation.  The measure is greatly needed for the roads, bridges, government buildings and other exigencies that are falling apart and in need of dire repair.

Some of the legislators who voted against the bill claim that the repairs will be of benefit to their communities.  The challenger’s prey on the fears of a great many people who think their taxes will increase to an amount that they will be on welfare.  The two trillion-dollar price is extended over ten years and most middle-income people will not even notice a raise in their taxes.

In the House there were six Democrats who voted against the bill.  On the Republican side, 200 voted against the legislation.  Many had reasons that it did not contain enough money to accomplish the task. Others voted against the bill because of political reasons. 

Now in this election year the challengers will use it as a political slime ball and hope it sticks if thrown against a wall.


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