Lock him up

The possibility of charging our last president with violations of several infringements of laws protecting our security seems to be definite.  Senator Lindsey Graham has said if this happens there will be riots in the street.  If those riots do happen it will be interesting to see on what side Graham, Cruz, Rubio, Johnson and Cotton will be standing.  Also, the house representatives, Taylor-Green, Jordan, Boebert, Gohmert and McCarthy, I guess, will take up arms to side with the rioters.  So will pundits, Hannity, Carlson, Ingraham and Pirro. 

These people have propagated a falsehood and stirred up a public that believed their message.  It will be a sad day for this nation if, in fact, someone is arrested who has put his desires above the rule of law.  His followers, many people in power, think that it would be a travesty and he has not done anything wrong.

His supporters bring up the Hillary Clinton case of emails on a private server as a rule that he should not be charged. This case is not in the same vein as Trump taking many top-secret files that could be shared with our adversaries.  The FBI found that she did not deliberately mishandle classified material and all records were turned over to the investigative authorities.

Our last president and others in power are making a mockery of our Constitution.  They all pledged on a Bible or other religious book to uphold our Constitution.  Too bad they did not take the pledge to heart.


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