No Fly Zone

I have been noticing a number of letters calling for the United States to protect a “no fly” zone over Ukraine.  Some accuse President Biden of being soft and not being contentious against the Putin invasion of that country.  There is no doubt that such an action would further escalate the war and draw us in to a World War that many of us do not want to be a part of.

Would the writers of the letters be the first to join our armed forces to protect us if we would get into a conflict?  Where would the battlefronts be, probably New York or Los Angeles?  I think Biden is doing everything in his power to thwart a confrontation.  We and other NATO nations are supplying Ukraine with materials of war that I am sure is costing us more money than we would care to spend. 

Democracy is on the line in many nations.  A powerful dictator can destroy many freedoms that people have lost their lives over.  Our own nation is in the throws of losing our Democracy if we allow politicians to change our laws and denigrate many of our freedoms.  It can happen and will happen if our citizenry lets it happen.

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