
Reading the letters submitted on August 10 concerning the warrant to search the last president’s home in hoping to find documents that he did not give to the National Archives, causes me some consternation.  It seems, according to the letters, that he should be treated above the law.  A federal judge would not sign off on a warrant if there wasn’t any evidence of some infraction that should be investigated.

Why is it that the Republicans, who are supposed to be the party of law and order, want to make it look like the past president is innocent of all infractions?  In 2018 he said that anyone who invokes the fifth amendment is surley guilty of the crime they are being challenged.  Obviously, he is saying that he is guilty but will not admit to any guilt.  He blames the current administration, government agencies and the media for all the bad circumstances he has been involved with.  If the Republicans control the House and the Senate, transparency will be a thing of the past.

The Republicans want a smaller government and want a “hands off” system of control.  The exception is the actions of people in their bedrooms.  Individual rights are threatened by the conservative right.  I predict if the Republicans gain control of our government, free speech and freedom of the press will be eliminated.  Unfortunately, the voting public would embrace the change because the Republicans and the past president have indoctrinated them to only trust them and not the free media.

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