Now that President Biden has announced that he is dropping his intension to run for President, it will be up to the active Democrats and those against Trump to get behind the person who will take his place on the ballot.
We will be voting for a way to be governed and not necessarily for a President. Donald Trump and the Republicans are not trustworthy to run our nation. They would try to insert an authoritarian form of government that would be contradictory to our Constitution.
Don’t fall for the Republican vocalization of being for the blacks, disabled, indigent, homeless, starving or any other disadvantages that people suffer. They lack empathy and compassion and blame the discommodity of the people’s hardships as being their own fault.
Listen to their opinions. Their justifications of changing our way of life are not entirely true. They bend with opinion of the day.
We have to be sure that the House of Representatives is taken away from Republican control. We also have to make sure that the Senate remains with the Democrats in control. If the MAGA cult wins control it will be a disaster.