It works to lie

If Donald Trump taught Republican politicians one thing that will advance their career, it is to lie.  It works.  Ron Johnson, Ted Cruz, Lindsay Graham and Josh Hawley of the Senate. Madison Cawthorn, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Kevin McCarthy in the House of Representatives to name a few have expounded on a number of falsehoods knowing that the majority of the Republican base will believe them.

Ron Johnson claimed that the insurgents who invaded our Capitol were actually leftists who were disguised as Trump supporters.

Ted Cruz lied that when he accused Judge Merrick Garland did not answer all the questions at his hearing.  Cruz’s lies abound that there is not enough ink to get them all in a newspaper.

Lindsay Graham once said he was a veteran of the Persian Gulf War when he never got out of South Carolina.

Josh Hawley is someone who is very scary.  He gave a fist pump to the mob who tried to overturn our government by force on January 6.  He also tried to get the vote for our President overturned even though our courts ruled that it did not happen.

Madison Cawthorn has a number of lies.  He lied about the car accident that left him partially paralyzed. He claimed that his friend left him in the car when it caught on fire. His friend claimed he pulled him out of the vehicle and saved his life.  He also claimed that because of the accident he lost a chance to attend the Naval Academy but actually he was rejected before the accident.

Marjorie Taylor Greene is someone who should not have been elected for dog catcher.  She is a big QAnon supporter which after the Trump cult has to be one of the most fearful in this nation.

Kevin McCarthy has told many untruths, but he is known mostly for his hypocrisy. He spent some time degrading Trump then grabbed the first plane to Florida to make up with him.

Then we have Congressman Mo Brooks.  His scream of, “It’s time to take names and kick ass” during the January 6 rally in my mind is treasonous.

People can also watch Fox and get plenty of false statements. After a while the people who spend most of their television time watching Fox will be brainwashed. 

If you don’t think it will work, ask any of the 74 million people who voted for Trump and it will become obvious as to their intelligence.

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