
There is a tremendous division in our country.  The division involves Republicans.  Only a few of them have conceded that Joe Biden has been elected President.  The majority are holding out hope that a miracle will happen and the leader of their cult will remain in the Oval Office.  They believe that the elections were… Continue reading Division


Why is not surprising that the “law and order” party is going to refuse to convict former President Trump for his part in the January 6 Capitol riot?  Would the term “hypocritical” be appropriate?  If this was a President from the opposing party gallows would have been erected and someone would be held accountable.  False… Continue reading Hypocrits

Judy’s Last Column

For forty-five years this space had been occupied by my wife, Judy Spooner.  Judy had a stroke on June 16, 2015 that took away her ability to speak and affected her right arm and leg.  She has been living at Norris Square for the last year needing twenty-four hour nursing care.  Judy’s existence was a… Continue reading Judy’s Last Column

An Injustice

The voters of the following House Representatives ought to be ashamed for putting them in office.  They are the top deniers of everything that has happened in the past year.  Many termed the Covid 19 pandemic as a hoax.  Taylor Greene has introduced a bill to take Dr. Anthony Fauci’s salary away from him.  Some… Continue reading An Injustice

Kistner letter

June 17, 2021 Mr. Kistner, first of all, Thank you for your service.  It does take a special person to spend four years in the service of his country. I received your letter asking for support in the 2022 election.  I have some questions and some thoughts concerning the future of our nation.  I do… Continue reading Kistner letter

Slap in the Face

slap in the face It appears that Democrats have fallen off the cliff, led by Nancy Pelosi. She declared Ilhan Omar a valued member of the Democratic Party, despite that Omar compared America to Hamas in perpetrating unthinkable atrocities. That is a direct slap in the face to the America that has sacrificed millions of… Continue reading Slap in the Face

Independence Day

July 3, 2021 Independence Day is a good time to examine events that have made our lives better or worse in this day of age.  The past eighteen months have been a challenge to all of us because of a pandemic, death of a black man at the hands of police, civil rights issues and… Continue reading Independence Day