To Congressmen, Emmer, Hagedorn, Stauber and Congress Woman Elect, Fischbach,
Never in my wildest dreams would I believe that a Minnesota Congress person would ever sign on to destroy our Democracy. But that is what has happened in the Texas lawsuit concerning the presidential election. I do not live in your district but I am a lifelong resident of Minnesota. You represent my state and the treasonous support of the lawsuit is one that will I will be writing about for the next two years.
I have a hard time wondering why you would want that crook who does not fit our moral compass to be our president. Maybe that is your moral compass and you don’t really share it with your constituents. I am ashamed of your attitude. I doubt that you will work for the people of our state or nation because a Democrat occupies the Oval Office. I also doubt you will even reply and give me an assurance that I am wrong and you want our republic to remain free and our democracy is safe. Otherwise, I will have to consider you to be just another barnacle on the ass of progress.