A win by 45?

Our last president was a failure in many ways.  One item he has been a success at is convincing his followers and others to distrust the media.  I live with other seniors who have voiced their assumptions on disbelieving the news.  Many would not know the difference between objective and subjective news.  Objective is factual and subjective is opinion.

Many believe that the only accounts of news come from FOX and think that everything they hear is accurate.  I am afraid that if Tucker Carlson said that the sun would rise in the west tomorrow, they would believe it.  When it did not happen, he would blame Biden, Obama and Hillary and they would believe that too.

A few also believe in the “Big Lie.”  The argument is that ballots appeared from out of nowhere and they were counted to give Biden the win.  They were told by conservative pundits, Biden won because ballots were illegally counted.  Trying to convince them that the courts ruled against that theory is like asking a corpse how he feels. They also give more trust to the internet than to the words of professional journalists.

The past president has initiated a distrust of our intelligence system.  He has said more than once that he knows more than the experienced people who interpret the actions of our adversaries.  His main objective was to institute a mistrust in our democracy.

It is hard to believe that people who have read newspapers and watched television news for more than sixty years would suddenly distrust the media.  In many countries the only news allowed would come from the people in charge.  Free speech and freedom of the press are values we should endorse and keep if we want to live in a democracy. 


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