
Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin had met five times. Each meeting was held with only interpreters present.  After the meetings the interpreters were told not to reveal any information of the items the two discussed.  After one of the meetings, the former president was asked by a reporter the content of the discussions.  The former president said, “it was not any of (the reporters) business.” Whatever was discussed by the president of the United States is certainly our business.

The Mar-a-Lago raid that produced government files labeled “Top Secret” has raised the question of whether they were shared with an adversary.

Republicans, who are putting their own spin on the problem, should be interested in the dilemma this has caused.  It is obvious that their allegiance is to the former president and not in the Constitution they pledged on a Bible to uphold.

This situation is serious and the Republicans are not taking it as such.  Their lack of real concern has me wondering, what will we be facing if they gain control of our legislature?  The thought of them dominating the legislative branch of our government with their allegiance to their cult leader may mean that many of us will be targeted because we do not want to be controlled by a political party who is already leading us to a fascist authoritarian form of government.  The former president’s past disregard for our Constitution should be a message that our democracy is in trouble.  Instead of protecting him, they should send a message that his actions will not be tolerated.


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