With the House January 6 Committee televised hearings and the mid-term elections coming up this year, I think that the Republican politicians should take the oath of office and pledge their allegiance to the forty-fifth president and skip any mention of the Constitution.  They and their followers are going to try and disrupt any evidence of the January 6th attempted coup on our democracy.  Unfortunately, they have millions of brain-washed electorates who will believe that the riot was only a tourist situation gone wrong.

By leaving the Constitution out of the pledge they can show where their true alliances subsist. We will be able to see exactly the true sentiments of those elected to power and try to adjust the loss of many of our freedoms. 

According to reports I have read; the televised hearings will have evidence of the last president and his follower’s actions to keep him in power even before the election.   To my mind, this is treason. 

I have no doubt that the Republicans will gain control of the Senate and the House.  Too many states have passed laws that suppress the vote and others have gerrymandered voters out of their districts.  The only way to stop this travesty is to vote.  I do not want our government to be controlled by the likes of Ted Cruz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Paul Gosar, Paul Rand, Kevin McCarthy, Lauren Boebert, Jim Jordan and a number of others that are not interested in the welfare of their constituents. Even here in Minnesota I have my doubts about Tom Emmer, Michelle Fischbach and Pete Stauber.

Those running under the guide of being a Trump follower should certainly announce their true intentions. 

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