
The defeated forty-fifth president gave us an insight of what his regime would look like if he is re-elected in 2024.  He has always been a fan of authoritarian rule and has said “Putin is a genius.”  If he and other Republicans are elected to run this country, I am sure our alliances will change from NATO to Russia and China.  Both are run by fascist dictators and the presidential loser would like to have the same authorities that Putin and Jinping enjoy.  He would get it with the help of Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz and others of their ilk. 

We have to be aware of the intentions of the Republican party.  They used to be the party of small government and encouraged people to vote. The states with conservative legislators have changed laws that will disenfranchise millions of voters.  They have believed the “Big Lie” pushed by the last president and his cohorts without any proof that the election was rigged. They have inserted themselves in our families’ daily lives with their actions against LGBTQ community.  They use religion as a tool to be biased against any service they would provide to the public as long as it does not involve a “family value.” A conservative Supreme Court has backed them on the matters.


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